Every end of January, all BIR-registered businesses must pay an annual registration fee worth Php500.00. Below are the things you need to know in filing and paying its yearly registration fee.
Disclaimer: This article has no connection to any personnel of BIR. As time goes by, there may some changes without further notice of this article. Thank you.
A. Filling out an Annual Registration (BIR Form 0605) using EBIRforms
Taxpayers shall fill out the necessary information or Items in BIR Form 0605.
BIR Form 0605.Item 1- Calendar or Fiscal Year
A business uses a calendar year if its 12-month period starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 whereas a business uses a fiscal year if its 12-month period ends on the last day of any month except December.
Usually, businesses in the Philippines use the calendar year.
BIR Form 0605.Item 2- Year Ended (mm/yyyy)
The registration period applied to its current year, not to the previous year.
Assuming that it is the year 2023, you should put 12/2023.
BIR Form 0605.Item 4- Due Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Every 31st of January is the deadline for the annual registration fee.
BIR Form 0605.Item 6- ATC
The applicable ATC Code for the annual registration fee is MC180.
MC180 = Registration fee for both VAT/Non-Vat Taxpayers.
BIR Form 0605.Item 7- Return Period (mm/dd/yyyy)
This is the last day of the current period.
BIR Form 0605.Item 8- Tax Type
Choose Registration Fee (RF)
BIR Form 0605.Item 9- Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
You can refer to your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303).
BIR Form 0605.Item 10- Revenue District Office (RDO)
You can refer to your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303).
BIR Form 0605.Item 11- Taxpayers Classification
Choose between Individual or NonIndividual
BIR Form 0605.Item 12- Line of Businesses/Occupation
You can refer to your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303).
BIR Form 0605.Item 13- Taxpayer’s Name
You can refer to your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303).
BIR Form 0605.Item 14- Telephone Number
BIR Form 0605.Item 15- Registered Address
You can refer to your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303).
BIR Form 0605.Item 16- Zip Code
You can refer to your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303).
BIR Form 0605.Item 17- Manner of Payment
Choose Other(Specify) and put “Annual Registration Fee”.
BIR Form 0605.Item 18- Type of Payment
Choose Full Payment.
BIR Form 0605.Item 21- Total Amount Payable: Php 500.00
B. Filing out Annual Registration Fee in e-Filing and Payment System(eFPS) (BIR Form 0605)
Both eFPS and non-eFPS filers are actually the same in filing out the items or information. The only difference is eFPS filers shall file their annual registration fee on this website which they are required to log in to.
C. Submit Final Copy and Payment
D. Business Branch (Annual Registration)
Branch has its own Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303) thus they are obliged to pay the annual registration fee. Separate returns shall be filed per branch.
Assuming Juan Dela Cruz is a proprietor and has three branches. His main office business is located in Pasay. So, the total amount he will pay is Php2000 and filed four separate returns.
E. Ease of Paying Taxes Act (Republic Act 11976)
F. Certificate of Registration (COR) Reflecting the Registration Fee
- Business Taxpayers are NOT REQUIRED to replace their existing BIR Certificate of Registration that includes the Registration Fee.
- The COR shall RETAIN its validity although the Registration Fee is shown therein, and the taxpayers are no longer to pay the Annual Registration Fee.
- Updating the COR is ONLY necessary if there are changes to registration information, excluding the Registration Fee, reflected on the COR.