This article shows a series of queries on how the analysis summary is derived. It uses the BigQuery. Why BigQuery? It is because:
- The analysis summary is derived through a series of structured queries that are executed using a tool called BigQuery.
- BigQuery is a powerful cloud-based data warehouse provided by Google Cloud Platform.
- The queries used in the analysis process are designed to extract, transform, and analyze large datasets efficiently.
- By leveraging BigQuery, users can perform complex analytical tasks on massive volumes of data in a scalable and cost-effective manner.
- The results obtained from these queries form the basis of the analysis summary, providing valuable insights and trends from the data.
- Utilizing tools like BigQuery enables organizations to make data-driven decisions and uncover hidden patterns within their dataset
Getting and Formulating Data Query that will be used in Analysis
A. Mean
A.1. Mean in a Year
--Getting the mean for a year
cleaned_data AS
--Convert ride_length in seconds to
get the average
, Converted_data as
, ended_at
,extract( year from started_at) as Year
, ride_length
, extract (hour from ride_length) as Hours
, extract (minute from ride_length) as Minutes
, extract (second from ride_length) as Seconds
from cleaned_data
, converted_data1 as
, hours
, seconds
, (hours*60*60)+ (minutes *60)+ seconds as Converted_Seconds
from converted_Data)
, converted_Data2 as
, avg(converted_seconds) as Average_seconds
, avg(converted_seconds)/(60*60)
, split(cast(avg(converted_seconds)/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as minutes
, split(cast(cast(concat("0." ,split(cast(avg(converted_seconds)/60 as String), ".")
[OFFSET(1)] ) as float64)*60 as String),".") [OFFSET(0)] as seconds
from converted_Data1)
, cast (concat ("00:",minutes, ":", seconds) as time) as Average_Time_in_a_Year
from converted_Data2
A.2. Mean in a Monthly Basis
cleaned_data AS
--Convert ride_length in seconds to
get the average
, Converted_data as
, extract( month from started_at) as month0
,extract( year from started_at) as Year
, ride_length
, extract (hour from ride_length) as Hours
, extract (minute from ride_length) as Minutes
, extract (second from ride_length) as Seconds
from cleaned_data
, converted_data1 as
when month0 = 1 then 'January'
when month0 = 2 then 'February'
when month0 = 3 then 'March'
when month0 = 4 then 'April'
when month0 = 5 then 'May'
when month0 = 6 then 'June'
when month0 = 7 then 'July'
when month0 = 8 then 'August'
when month0 = 9 then 'September'
when month0 = 10 then 'October'
when month0 = 11 then 'November'
when month0 = 12 then 'December'
else null end as Months
, hours
, seconds
, (hours*60*60)+ (minutes *60)+ seconds as Converted_Seconds
from converted_Data)
, converted_Data2 as
,avg(converted_seconds) over (partition by months) as Average_seconds
from converted_Data1
, monthly_mean_data as
, average_seconds
from converted_data2
group by 1,2,3
order by 1)
, monthly_mean_data1 as
, months
, average_seconds
, split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as minutes
, split(cast(cast(concat("0." ,split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(1)] ) as
float64)*60 as String),".") [OFFSET(0)] as seconds
from monthly_mean_data
,cast (concat ("00:",minutes, ":", seconds) as time) as Monthly_mean
from monthly_mean_data1
A.2. Mean as to Customer Type
--Getting the
mean as to consumer type
cleaned_data AS
--Convert ride_length in seconds to
get the average
, Converted_data as
, ride_length
, extract (hour from ride_length) as Hours
, extract (minute from ride_length) as Minutes
, extract (second from ride_length) as Seconds
from cleaned_data
, converted_data1 as
, hours
, seconds
, (hours*60*60)+ (minutes *60)+ seconds as Converted_Seconds
from converted_Data)
, converted_Data2 as
,avg(converted_seconds) over (partition by member_casual) as Average_seconds
from converted_Data1
, customertype_mean_data as
from converted_data2
group by 1,2
order by 1)
, customertype_mean_data1 as
, average_seconds
, split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as minutes
, split(cast(cast(concat("0." ,split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(1)] ) as float64)*60 as String),".") [OFFSET(0)] as seconds
from customertype_mean_data
,cast (concat ("00:",minutes, ":", seconds) as time) as Custome_type_mean
from customertype_mean_data1
A.3. Mean as to Bike Type
cleaned_data AS
--Convert ride_length in seconds to
get the average
, Converted_data as
, ride_length
, extract (hour from ride_length) as Hours
, extract (minute from ride_length) as Minutes
, extract (second from ride_length) as Seconds
from cleaned_data
, converted_data1 as
, hours
, seconds
, (hours*60*60)+ (minutes *60)+ seconds as Converted_Seconds
from converted_Data)
, converted_Data2 as
,avg(converted_seconds) over (partition by rideable_type) as Average_seconds
from converted_Data1
, rideabletype_mean_data as
, average_seconds
from converted_data2
group by 1,2
order by 1)
, rideabletype_mean_data1 as
, average_seconds
, split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as minutes
, split(cast(cast(concat("0." ,split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(1)] ) as
float64)*60 as String),".") [OFFSET(0)] as seconds
from rideabletype_mean_data
where cast(split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as int64) <= 60
, rideabletype_mean_data2 as
,cast (concat ("00:",minutes, ":", seconds) as time) as Monthly_mean
from rideabletype_mean_data1
, rideabletype_mean_data3 as
, average_seconds
, split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as minutes
, split(cast(cast(concat("0."
,split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(1)] ) as float64)*60 as String),".") [OFFSET(0)] as seconds
from rideabletype_mean_data
where cast(split(cast(average_seconds/60 as String), ".")[OFFSET(0)] as int64) > 60
,cast (concat ("01:",cast(minutes as int64)-60, ":", seconds) as time) as rideable_type_mean
from rideabletype_mean_data3
union all
,cast (concat ("00:",minutes, ":", seconds) as time) as rideable_type_mean
from rideabletype_mean_data1
B. Casual Highest Ride Length
---Objective: Calculate the highest ride_length casual
cleaned_data AS
(SELECT * FROM `gold-pod-375712.Cyclistic_Cleaned_Data.Cyclistic_Clean_Data`)
(Select ride_id
from cleaned_data
where member_casual = "casual"
order by 3 desc
Limit 1000
C. Getting the Numbers of Riders per Days
--Objective: Calculate the count days of the week
cleaned_data AS
(SELECT * FROM `gold-pod-375712.Cyclistic_Cleaned_Data.Cyclistic_Clean_Data`)
select weekdays
, count (weekdays) as number_of_riders
, "casual" as member_type
from cleaned_data
where member_casual = "casual"
group by 1
union all
select weekdays
, count (weekdays) as number_of_riders
, "member" as member_type
from cleaned_data
where member_casual = "member"
group by 1
D. Getting the Top 1000 places where a Casual Member Rent Bicycle
Getting the list of Station name and its Station ID using a Join Function
--Getting a
list of places where the casual members started to use the bicycles limit to
1000 places
with start0 as
,"Start" As Start
, station_name as start_station_name
, station_id as start_station_id
,"End" as End_
, End_lat
, End_lng
, member_casual
FROM `gold-pod-375712.Cyclistic_Cleaned_Data.Cyclistic_Clean_Data`
left join `gold-pod-375712.Cyclistic_Cleaned_Data.Cyclistic_Station_Data`
on start_lat = latittude
and start_lng = longitude)
, end0 as
, start_station_name
, start_station_id
, End_
, End_lat
, End_lng
, station_name as End_station_name
, station_id as End_station_id
, member_casual
from start0
left join `gold-pod-375712.Cyclistic_Cleaned_Data.Cyclistic_Station_Data`
on end_lat = latittude
and end_lng = longitude)
, casual0 as
(select * from end0
where member_casual =
, start1 as
, Start_lat
, start_station_name
, start_station_id
, Count(concat (Start_lat, "-",
start_lng)) as Counters
from casual0
Group by 1,2,3,4,5)
select *
from start1
where counters > 1
order by counters desc
Limit 1000
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By the end of this Professional Certificate, a learner will be able to describe the core principles of UX, Human-Centered Design, and design thinking frameworks, and identify UX team roles and user research methods.
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